SEB Engineering Inc. dba Stewart Engineering Inc. (SEI) is a general engineering construction firm specializing in technically difficult civil engineering construction projects. SEI employs a management team with over 75 years combined experience in a wide variety of projects which encompass roads, bridges, structural concrete, retaining walls, foundations, hydroelectric power projects, pipelines, and other infrastructure projects. SEI is dedicated to employ experienced professionals that are capable of providing economy, efficiency and quality in a team like manner for any construction project.
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The Fort Goff Fish Passage Improvement project was awarded to SEI by the California Departement of Transportation. Cal-Trans designed a 60 ft. long, single span, precast, prestressed concrete voided slab bridge to replace the 60 year old culvert that was impeding fish movement upstream. SEI installed a temporary stream crossing to maintain traffic while the existing culvert was being demolished and replaced by a pre-cast concrete bridge. The pre-cast bridge design accelerated the project build process. The project recieved a 2015 Design Award Winner honorable mention from the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute. Read More.